Merit Sensor BP Series

Product Features

  • Blood pressure sensor
  • Designed for medical applications such as disposable blood pressure measurement, kidney dialysis machines, infusion pumps and surgical procedures
  • Excellent burst pressure with a dielectric gel barrier
  • Solid state piezoresistive sensor
  • Air, liquid and gas compatibility
  • Exempt

The BP blood pressure sensor series from Merit SensorTM is ideal for low cost, high-volume, disposable medical applications including blood pressure monitoring. This blood pressure series offers a pressure range of -30mmHg to +300mmHg with an operating temperature range of 15°C to +40°C, and an accuracy of ±1% of the reading (-30mmHg to +50mmHg). The BP series from Merit SensorTM is temperature compensated, dielectric gel protected and can easily be installed into a customer’s pressure device housing and utilises a piezoresistive Wheatstone bridge with a chemically etched silicon diaphragm.

  • Blood pressure sensor
  • Pressure range from -30 mmHg up to +300 mmHg
  • Excellent burst pressure
  • Temperature range of +15°C to +40°C
  • Accuracy of ±1% of reading (-30 to +50 mmHg) and ±3% of reading (+50 to +3000 mmHg)
  • Compliant with AAMI BP22 specifications
  • Dielectric gel barrier
  • Fully tested
  • Solid state piezoresistive sensor
  • Suitable for air, gases and liquids

Typical applications for the Merit SensorTM BP series include:

  • Disposable blood pressure measurement
  • Kidney dialysis machines
  • Infusion pumps
  • Surgical procedures

Please see below the specifications for the Merit BP series:

Merit PB series Specifications

1. Assumes 6 VDC, 22°C and after five second warm-up unless otherwise specified.
2. Output of sensor with no pressure applied and a150 KΩ resistor shorted across + IN to + OUT.
3. Over a temperature range of 15°C to 40°C
4. Normalised offset/bridge voltage – 8 hours after 20 second warm-up
5. Combined effect of sensitivity, repeatability, non-linearity and hysteresis errors
6. Sterilisation performed by customer.


Weight 2.00000 kg
Dimensions 4.20 x 7.30 x 10.10mm

±1%, ±3%

Package / Size

Pressure Range



Series / Model

Temperature Range (°C)

+15 to +40°C

Merit Sensor BP Series Ordering Info

Below is an example of the part number break down for the bp series:

bp Series Part Number Example

Merit Sensor BP Series Ordering Info

Below is an example of the part number break down for the bp series:

bp Series Part Number Example

Merit BP Series Technical Library

We are pleased to provide you with a range of additional content including product datasheets and application notes for your reference. Please see below for the latest content available:



Merit Sensor BP series blood pressure sensor datasheet
Merit Sensor BP series case study
Merit Sensor bridge configuration options application note
Merit Sensor handling and mounting of pressure die application note
Merit Sensor reflow soldering application note
Merit Sensor product selection guide
  • Merit Sensor

Merit Sensor BP Series
